Standard express package logistics should be green
2018-03-01 14:01      Source:
The rise of the purchase makes the express industry develop rapidly. At present, the single day service of express delivery in our country has reached "hundreds of millions of levels", and the plastic bags, packing boxes and adhesive tape used by hundreds of millions of express packages each year have also brought about the problem of "white garbage" pollution that can not be ignored. We can see that the new standard of the express package has been added to the original standard, and the biggest change in environmental protection is that "express packaging bags should be biodegradable plastic".It is an inevitable trend to develop green logistics. Next, in the environmental packaging industry chain, packaging materials suppliers, express enterprises, e-commerce platform and merchants should participate in it as soon as possible, the first to promote, active use of green packaging. Of course, green logistics is a systematic project, which can not be separated from the support and identification of consumers, because the formation and improvement of public awareness of green consumption will also be the biggest driving force for the development of the green packaging industry.

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