Analysis of logistics operation in 2017
2018-03-01 14:11      Source:

Release Chinese Federation of logistics and purchasing, logistics information center China days before 2017, China's logistics operation is generally good. The operation data show that the quality and efficiency of logistics development steadily increase, and the ratio of total logistics cost to GDP continues to decline. The total volume of social logistics is growing steadily and steadily, and the demand structure is optimized. The logistics operation environment is further improved, the supply side structural reform results show, and the industry goes to the stage of high quality development.

The quality of logistics operation is improved, and the "cost reduction" has been achieved.

The "cost reduction" in the field of logistics is effective. With the deepening of the structural reform of the supply side, in order to further promote the efficiency of the logistics reduction, the State Council has issued the documents to promote the logistics industry to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency for two years, and the "cost reduction" in the logistics field has achieved good results. In 2017, the ratio of total social logistics cost to GDP was 14.6%, 0.3 percentage points lower than that of last year. That is, the total social logistics cost per 10000 yuan GDP is 1460 yuan, which is 2% lower than that of last year. The ratio of total social logistics cost to GDP has entered a continuous decline stage.

In composition, lowering the efficiency of logistics, logistics has achieved preliminary results, continuously enhance the coordination of all aspects of logistics. In the total cost of social logistics, the transport cost was 6 trillion and 600 billion yuan, accounting for 54.7%, 0.9 percentage points higher than the same period, 3 trillion and 900 billion yuan, 32.4% and 0.8 percentage points, and 1 trillion and 600 billion yuan, 12.9%, and 0.1 percentage points. From the change, the proportion of transportation links in the total cost of social logistics continues to increase, and the storage links continue to decline, indicating that the current logistics speed is increasing, and the stock, the time and cost of funds have decreased.

The efficiency of inventory turnover is maintained at a high level. Under the background of capacity to go, the social inventory remains low and inventory turnover efficiency remains high. In 2017, the average inventory turnover index in China's warehouse index was 52.1 points on average, which was in the expansion interval throughout the year, indicating that the turnover efficiency of warehousing logistics enterprises continued to maintain a rapid growth.

The logistics demand is steady and the structure is further improved

The demand for logistics is steady. In 2017, the total social logistics volume of the whole country was 252 trillion and 800 billion yuan, which was 6.7% higher than the previous year and 0.6 percentage points higher than that of the previous year.

Quarter - quarter, 56 trillion and 700 billion yuan in the first quarter, up 7.1%, 1.1 percentage points, 118 trillion and 900 billion yuan in the first half, increased by 7.1%, increased by 0.9 percentage points; the first three quarter was 184 trillion and 800 billion yuan, increased by 6.9%, and increased by 0.8 percentage points; the total social logistics total showed a steady and good development trend throughout the year.

Important progress has been made in structural reform of logistics demand. First, the transformation of the new and old kinetic energy of the logistics demand is accelerated. From different industries, new industries continue to maintain strong growth trend, traditional industries transformation and upgrading. From the view of structure, the average level of PMI index of high and new technology industry from 1 to December is above 53%. The average value of the consumer goods industry and equipment manufacturing industry is close to 53%, compared with the same period last year. At the same time, the average value of the high energy consumption industry, such as basic raw materials, is still below 50%, and the logistics demand is lower than the industrial average.

Two, the logistics demand of consumption and people's livelihood has become an important driving force for the growth of logistics demand. From the perspective of structure, the contribution rate of high speed growth of consumption and livelihood to logistics demand continues to improve. The total logistics total of units and residents increased by 29.9% year-on-year, which was 23.2 percentage points higher than the total amount of social logistics, and became an important driving force for the growth of logistics demand.

Among them, the logistics demand driven by network consumption continues to grow rapidly on the basis of the high growth rate of last year. The volume of real commodity online retail sales is over 5 trillion yuan, up 28%, and the demand for express and e-commerce logistics is increasing rapidly.

In 2017, the electricity supplier logistics industry as a whole has been improving. The total business volume index has averaged 143.4 points, reflecting the annual growth of e-commerce logistics business over the same period, which is more than 40% over the same period.

Three is the import logistics demand situation is better. In the global economic recovery, domestic demand is stable and good, which has completely reversed the sharp decline in the same period in 2016. The PMI value of the global manufacturing industry reached a high level of 54.7%. Driven by the overall demand for domestic and foreign demand, import logistics demand has been growing rapidly, increasing by 8.7% over the whole year, up 1.6 percentage points over the previous year.

The trend of the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry is obvious

First, logistics specialization is upgrading and the market scale continues to expand. In 2017, the level of logistics specialization continued to improve, and the scale of logistics market expanded rapidly. The total logistics revenue of the whole year was 8 trillion and 800 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5% over the previous year, and the growth rate increased by 6.9 percentage points. From the point of view of the market segmentation, the logistics segmentation industry related to industrial upgrading has increased well, the cold chain market size is expected to still exceed 20%, the service income of express service enterprises is up 24.7% compared with the previous year, and the growth rate is higher than the average level of the logistics industry.

Two, the logistics industry is in good condition and the business condition is improving. Logistics enterprises have strong demand for business and stable operation. The logistics industry is showing an active trend. The prosperity of the logistics industry is at a relatively high level in recent years. In 2017, the Chinese logistics boom index was 55.3%, 0.1 percentage points higher than the average in 2016, up to 58.6% in November, the highest since 2017, 56.6% in December, and the index was still in the 55% high boom interval.

With the continuous improvement of logistics market demand and utilization of logistics equipment, business efficiency is steadily rising. In 2017, the main business profit index of the logistics industry prosperity index, reflecting the business efficiency, averaged 51.6%, up 1.7 percentage points from the same period last year. Among them, the average profit index of China's warehousing index business is 51.6%, up 3.5 percentage points from the same period in 2016, which shows that logistics demand is rising.

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